Time To Change

Time To Change

Cloth Diapers VS Disposable Diapers

Time To change!

Go Green Use Cloth Diapers!

An estimate of about 10,000 tons of disposable diapers are tossed into landfills each day. They can take up to 500 years to decompose!
The manufacture of disposables uses over 1 million metric tons of wood pulp and 75,000 metric tons of plastic each year.

The benefits of cloth diapers!

Disposables are have many chemicals which have been associated with many physical problems.
Diaper rash also increases with disposable diaper use due to allergies because of chemicals,
poor air flow and longer time spent in wet diapers which feel dry when wet.

Enviromentally safe.
Cloth diapers are reusable. and can be saved for the next baby.
Although energy is required for washing the diapers, this is just a fraction of the energy used for disposables.
Cloth diapers are also recyclable, they can be used eventually for extra cloth cleaning rags.

Cost less

The average house hold spends about $75 - $100 on diapers monthly

Beautiful and Practical

Saturday, February 21, 2009

When Their Tummy Hurts

So many old practices are becoming new again. The Tummy Hurts pillow was used by my grandmother,a midwife Having delivered over a 100 babies she was called many times to help with sick fussy children so the mother got some rest. For poor doers she used a heat pack.
Many times a fussy child could not be calmed. Grandma made a corn pack and would heat them in the oven of the old wood cook stove. If the infant were especially delicate bags of corn would be used to line the laundry basket . As they cooled rotated with the ones in the oven.

We have denim,minkeeand flannel covers available

They are just as effective today. Our 12 x12 comfort snuggy pillow is the ideal size for the little one to cuddle with. It helps soothe and calm them.
We have them in all sizes 4x4, 5x7 .as well as the 12 x 12.

The 12 x 12 is also great for adults,just don't take the pack that belongs to the little one. The minkee ones are to die for. The soft decorative fabric is the outer cover. The pillow is removable so cover can be washed